Another Funny Car Story

Another Funny Car Story

I’m full of funny car stories this week. I have another one to share with you.

Yesterday, I was at an elementary school’s first STEAM night.

What a great opportunity to share everything good about the Brickersville community! I made a video. I had the library, which was the most awesome space for me to be! Tons of activities, and LOTS of volunteers! Check it out!

I’m available to visit your school’s STEAM night, also!

The funny car story begins after I gathered all the goodies into the car, and reversed to head out. I bumped the curb… -thankfully, the curb was not damaged – and the steering wheel came loose! I mean, I couldn’t make it stay put! It was quite wiggly!

But it still would turn the wheels, so I carefully headed home and looked it up when I got home.

By now, you might be thinking that I’m … you know… a bit of an i****. I suppose it’s true where cars are concerned, because of my brakes story. I just drive them.

I figured that there was some sort of adjustment that could be used to tilt the steering wheel. Sure enough, there’s a lever under the wheel. It’s right here…