Are You A Dog Person or A Cat Person?

Are You A Dog Person or A Cat Person?

I’m a dog person.

That was the question that my co-worker in a small shared office asked of me. We were three in the office, and I received a few complaints about the volume of my voice when I was on the phone.

At the time, I was neither. My son was not yet one year old, and I sure wasn’t ready for either dog or cat! I was busy with a kid!

As it turns out, I’m a dog person. Again, I wasn’t always that way. I had to have a dog need me… a lot… before I started to love that giant, warm bundle of shedding fur.

We got him from the German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County. I’d come home to see my son and husband looking up dog breeds. They picked German Shepherd. They decided boy. It was all good with me. I just didn’t want to pick up dog p–p.

As it turned out, I ended up walking the dog, picking up dog p–p, even picking him up when he couldn’t himself raise his 100 lbs of flesh with his pained, weak legs.

When he was groaning in pain at night, I would curl up next to him to try to comforthim. It’s hard to watch any creature in pain. In the end (after many years), he went to a better place. One with less pain. Doggy heaven.

So I’m a dog person.